1. Case History...

Understanding your timeline. 

A treatment will always start with a detailed recording of your injury history. Injuries from years ago may have caused a change in a persons movement map and can be crucial to understanding your presenting complaint. 

2. Assessment...

Mapping your body.

Your case history will be followed by an assessment that will include a detailed review of your movement patterns and posture as well as a physical examination of your muscle and skeletal system. 

3. Diagnosis...

Joining the dots.

 A working diagnosis will be reached from a combination of your history, assessment and presenting complaint. David will attempt to select the best course of action based on these findings with consent of the client.

Please note: If it is not deemed that your presenting complaint will be best served or falls outside of Davids areas of expertise he will be quick to refer you and has a list of excellent practitioners that he collaborates with.

4. Treatment...

What tools to use.

If treatment is agreed the session will be aimed at reducing pain, restoring lost function and re-eductaing movement patterns. This may be done through a combination of techniques including manipulative therapy, medical acupuncture or movement education. It will often involve recommendations for self management. 

5. Next Steps...

A road map to optimising your health. 

The clients objectives and clinical findings will shape the next course of action.

If the goal is to simply get out of pain that may be achieved quickly if someone is willing to be proactive in their management.  

If a client wishes to understand and explore their health in more details we provide a number of services that can support them on their journey.  These include: further treatment, collaborating/co-ordinating with other practitioners, educational workshops, online support and personal coaching.

These services are all aimed at improving your body awareness and upgrading your own tools for maintaining your health.